Kantoor Intelligentie
Office Intelligence
Büro Intelligenz
Online application
Through this online form the applicant requests participation in the OFFIĀ® audited SUPPLIER program.
The content and course of the program:
After the application has been accepted, the audit period starts and an audit will be carried out within a period of four weeks.
All final scores will be added to the
applicant reported.
Additional reporting and advice is available at a reduced rate.
After an initial improvement process or advice, a re-audit follows.
Only a sufficiently assessed supplier with no individual score lower than 6 will receive the qualified logo.
Its use is only permitted during the audit period.
The audit is published on www.offi.reviews. A link is made to the Offipedia platform.
The annual turnover includes the turnover in products and services for office and learning environments, excluding VAT.